
This module regroup all the specific exceptions of the library. The idea behind most exceptions is to provide more context and info that the standard exceptions.

exception gamelib.HacExceptions.HacException(error, message)

Exception raised for non specific errors in HAC-GAME-LIB.

exception gamelib.HacExceptions.HacInvalidLevelException(message)

Exception raised if a level is not associated to a board in Game().

exception gamelib.HacExceptions.HacInvalidTypeException(message)

Exception raised for invalid types.

exception gamelib.HacExceptions.HacInventoryException(error, message)

Exception raised for issue related to the inventory. The error is an explicit string, and the message explains the error.

exception gamelib.HacExceptions.HacObjectIsNotMovableException(message)

Exception raised if the object that is being moved is not a subclass of Movable.

exception gamelib.HacExceptions.HacOutOfBoardBoundException(message)

Exception for out of the board’s boundaries operations.